Services play-icon

Due Diligence

Geopolitics, Security Monitoring & Predictive Analysis

Market Research

Partnerships & Communications

Primary Data Collection & Analysis

We are a client-focused firm that offers support to corporates, governments and NGOs. We provide market intelligence to help businesses to identify risks, assess opportunities and make decisions. We assess country specific risks for clients that want to work in Africa. We conduct due diligence on companies and individuals, and provide government relations for those looking to work in the challenging SSA region.


Since 2019, SBM has conducted more than 100 due diligence enquiries for clients looking to break into SSA countries.

Due Diligence

We provide comprehensive appraisals of businesses for prospective buyers, especially with respect to establishing their commercial potentials, and the risk associated with such businesses.

Geopolitics, Security Monitoring & Predictive Analysis

We provide regular updates about the political and security situation in Nigeria and West Africa to outside clients, and advice such clients on steps to take to protect their investments. Our reports on the Nigerian security situation are extensively quoted in local and international media.

Market Research

We assist our clients to identify new market opportunities, appraise market conditions, structure and size, carry out competition-related analysis and forecast market trends.

Partnerships & Communications

Through our extensive business membership networks and our expertise in communication and perception management, we facilitate business winning partnerships for clients.

Primary Data Collection & Analysis

We offer cost effective and comprehensive on-ground data collection and analysis for, and support to governments, businesses and NGOs across Nigeria and Africa with flexibility for both large and small sample sizes.